Back To School 5th September 2019

Tips for teachers:

- Heavy work loads and long repetative hours, piles of paperwork and lesson planning may lead to aching and pains in the neck, back and shoulders. Implementing stretching exercises, such as the shoulder roll, is a brilliant way to combat this. 

- Keep an eye on your posture and how you sit at a desk. Try to work around the "slouch" position you may adopt whilst doing your paperwork. Use a height adjusting chair so that your computer/work station is eye level. 

Tips for Parents: 

- Your children can begin with aches and pains at any age, which isnt usually picked up until a later stage. Children often carry their bag on one shoulder because it is "cooler". However, when carrying homework, books and folders, try and manage how they are packed to distribute the weight and make sure two shoulder straps are being worn. 

If you would like an information, please give us a call on 01782 660744.

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