
What is Pilates and what are the benefits? Find out more and meet our Pilates instructor Becky in our latest blog post.

Slowing down your thoughts

Slowing down means different things to different people. Find out more about how you can slow down your mind and body in our latest blog post!

Cold Water Therapy

Cold showers, wild swimming, sea swimming and ice baths are gaining traction and popularity. We have both Wim Hof and Instagram to thank for that, but whether or not you have been influenced to try it yet, there are so many benefits to getting into cold water.

Flip Flops and Foot Health

The sun is shining and the beach may be calling, but perhaps you should think twice before slipping on those flip flops for your summer holidays.

World Breastfeeding Week 2022

It's World Breastfeeding Week! Having a baby in 2020 wasn't without its challenges at the best of times. In this blog post Sam shares her personal journey with breastfeeding and how it impacted upon her health and wellbeing, as well as sharing how treatment has helped her little ones!

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