Perfecting your Posture 11th October 2019
A good posture is vital to the health of your muscles and joints, it plays an important role in managing conditions such as Osteooarthritis (joint wear and tear), headaches and repetative strain injuries.
A neutral spine is a key feature of good posture. A neutral spine describes the position of your spine when the pressure is spread evenly across the whole spine.
Did you know? Did you know that in your spine you have discs that act as a cushion between your bones and when a neutral spine is maintained, these discs can take more force than the bones themselves!! Quick Tip: an easy way to find your neutral spine is to stand up straight, rock your hips backwards and forwards, then rest where comfortable between these positions. Once in this position, roll your shoulders comfortably back and down, then slightly tuck in your chin.
If the abdominal muscles are weaker than the ones in your back, there will be more pressure on the joint in your back and pelvis. Good core strength can help maintain a good posture throughout the day. Light abdominal and core exercises can be beneficial when maintaining good posture. Yoga and Pilates are great way of achieving this.
Retraining the body to default to achieve good posture takes time and perserverance but can be very rewarding if done right!
If you would like any information on how to improve yours or how we can help you, give us a call on 01782 660744.