Back Pain: Possible causes, and what you can do to help free yourself, for good!

If you’re reading this, we don’t need to tell you how debilitating and miserable suffering with backpain can be.It’s that nagging, relentless companion which can make even the simplest tasks feel likemonumental challenges. Whether it's a dull ache or a sharp twinge, back pain can seriously cramp your style. But here's the good news: you don't have to let it control your life. By putting in place some simple changes, you can dramatically improve, and in some cases, freeyourself of back pain- both now, and in the future.In this article, we'll explore common causes of back pain and dive into some effective solutions, witha particular focus on the services we provide at Stoke Chiro Spinal Health: Chiropractic Care,Osteopathy, Rehabilitative Exercise, and Massage Therapy.

Common Causes of Back Pain

Before we talk about possible solutions for managing back pain, it’s important we understand someof the causes, as by understanding the causes, we can begin to work on the changes we can make tomake to our lifestyles to ensure that when pain goes away, it stays away!

  • Poor Posture: Slouching at your desk or hunching over your phone can strain the joints,muscles, and nerves in your back, leading to a build-up of pressure, stiffness, and pain overtime.
  • Joint and Muscle Strain: Lifting heavy, or even light objects with poor technique, or makingsudden movements when joints and muscles are not working properly can lead to strainsand sprains, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Herniated Discs: When the shock absorbing discs between your vertebrae bulge or tear, theycan press on the nerves which leave your spinal cord, leading to pain which remainslocalised to the spine, or pain that refers down your leg- a symptom commonly referred toas sciatica.
  • Spinal Misalignment: If your spine or pelvis is out of alignment, it can cause pressure andstress to build up over time, increasing your risk of joint or muscle injury in the back, plus arange of other problems including arthritis or disc injuries.
  • Arthritis: Conditions like osteoarthritis (excessive wear and tear due to overuse) orankylosing spondylitis (an inflammatory form of arthritis which can affect your spine) canaffect the freedom of motion in the joints in your spine, leading to pain and stiffness.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle: One of the most common challenges of our modern lifestyles! The amount of physical activity the average person performs each day is reducing, leading to aweakening of core muscles and excessive weight gain- factors which both contribute to an increase in the risk of pain and injury.

Effective Solutions for Managing and Improving Back Pain

Now that we understand some of the common causes of back pain, we can begin to considerpossible solutions to improve function and strength in the back, decreasing pain and decreasing therisk of injury far into the future.

  • Improving Posture: Performing specific exercises to improve posture can dramaticallydecrease your risk of back pain and injury, especially when combined with the top-classmanual therapies provided at Stoke Chiro.
  • Chiropractic and Osteopathic Care: Chiropractors and Osteopaths are trained to be expertsin Spinal Health. Our Stoke Chiro Chiropractors and Osteopaths use the highest quality,evidence-based, hands-on techniques to adjust areas of your spine which are not movingand functioning in the way they were designed to. Restoring function to these joints reducethe risk of pain or injury. How do they do this? By improving spinal alignment, relievingpressure on nerves, prompting the body to release endorphins which block pain, andpromoting your body’s natural healing ability. Once pain is gone, regular adjustments canhelp in maintaining a healthy spine, as well as improving overall well-being. For furtherinformation about Wellbeing Care, contact Stoke Chiro and ask about our WellbeingCommunity!
  • Massage Therapy: Massage therapy can alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, andpromote relaxation- in turn reducing pain and dysfunction. Our team of skilled massagetherapists are trained to identify areas of excessive muscle tension and restore optimalfunction to decrease pain and improve mobility.
  • Rehabilitation Exercises: Physical exercise helps to strengthen your back muscles andimprove flexibility. Focused rehabilitation can help you regain function, reduce pain, aswell as decreasing the risk of future injury. Our therapists can help create a tailored planbased on your specific needs, and our One-to-One Rehab Service can help you to make sureyou are performing your exercises as effectively, and efficiently as possible.

Additional steps you can take to improve Back Pain

  • Take regular breaks when sitting for prolonged periods: When sitting in the same positionfor long periods such as driving or working at your desk, make sure you take regular breaksto get up, stretch, and move. Every 30-minutes or so should do the trick if working at yourdesk, and stopping every hour or so when driving can be a great strategy in keeping pain andstiffness at bay. Additionally, using ergonomic chairs and equipment at work, and using lumbar support cushions when driving can help in ensuring your spine is in the correctposition and has adequate support.
  • Exercise Regularly: As well as incorporating exercises that strengthen your core and backmuscles into your routine as we have already discussed, performing regular cardiovascularexercise such as swimming and walking can help in keeping your spine mobile and muscles strong. Even a short walk can help prevent back pain. Yoga and Pilates can also help improveflexibility - which is why Stoke Chiro provides regular Yoga and Pilates classes for ourpatients. Enquire with our team for further information on the classes we provide at ourcentre.
  • Lift with Proper Technique: When lifting heavy objects, bend at your knees, not your waist.Try to keep your spine in a neutral position, brace your core muscles and use your legmuscles when you lift to decrease the risk of injury. Avoid twisting when possible while lifting to decrease the chances of injuring the discs in your spine as well- your back will thankyou for it!
  • Manage Stress: Stress can contribute to muscle tension, and increase our sensitivity to pain.Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness to reducestress. If you need help with this, try using an App like Calm or Headspace, or search ‘breathing exercises’ on YouTube. It doesn’t take much! Even starting with 5-minutes perday could be enough to start helping you reduce stress.

If after all the above, you still have pain- be sure to seek professional health. Our Award-Winning team at Stoke Chiro can help diagnose the underlying cause of your pain and recommend theappropriate treatment when appropriate. And if we can’t help, we will make sure we refer you to aperson who can!

The Wrap-Up

Back pain does not have to dominate your life. By understanding the common causes, takingproactive steps to prevent it, and seeking the right professional help, you can enjoy a life with lesspain and more freedom.For more information on how we can help, book an Initial Consultation, TODAY!

8 Essential Steps: To End Back Pain

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8 Essential Steps: To End Back Pain
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