My Story

I’ve worked in healthcare since the age of 18 in various roles from elderly care, learning disabilities to being a learning support worker at a local college. During my time working in various health and social care settings I have gained better understanding of communication, respect and wellbeing for those around me.

I absolutely love working at Stoke Chiro Spinal Health Centre, the kind and welcoming nature of the centre and the team makes coming to work something that I look forward to. I love meeting the patients and hearing about their days and stories that they have to tell and also being able to witness their journey of care.

Outside Interests

I have a young toddler who likes to keep me on my toes so every day is full of lots of messy play, dancing and reading books. I also enjoy spending time with my family and going on days out and on dog walks with our very fluffy long haired dachshund. When I get a spare minute I really enjoy baking and in the summer I enjoy a bit of gardening to keep our cottage looking pretty!


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