My Story

I first discovered chiropractic at my local university fair. As someone who had grown up with back pain caused by a chronic condition, I thought I had exhausted all of my options to manage the pain. I was considering major surgery at only 16 years old until a student at the fair told me to try chiropractic. After my first session, I was amazed! I had finally found a treatment that could help me progress towards a life free of pain. It was only whilst studying chiropractic that I realised it could be so much more! Chiropractic is not just a way to treat symptoms or conditions – it is a way to treat people; using individualised care to help people realign their physical and mental wellbeing and work towards a more fulfilling life. There is no downside to better health, so no matter the age, I want to help people, families and communities be the best they can be. That's why I couldn't be happier to be part of a team all working together for this same purpose! Whilst studying, I fell in love with pregnancy and paediatric healthcare. I was lucky enough to train alongside midwives in bournemouth in an infant feeding support clinic. This has driven me to help provide support and treatment for as many little ones as possible in our local community.


MChiro (Hons) First Class and MSc APP Paediatric Musculoskeletal Health

Professional Membership

Registered with the General Chiropractic Council, Member of the British Chiropractic Association and Member of Royal College of Chiropractic.

Outside Interests

 Languages, Gardening, Cooking and Baking, Drawing, Bouldering and Polefit

Areas of interest

Paediatrics, Pregnancy, Disability, Hypermobility and Mental Health

Additional skills

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage, Dry Needling, Ultrasound therapy, X-rays, Cranial adjusting, Kinesiotaping, British Sign Language Level 1 and Mental Health First Aider

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